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Expense Management for Government

Digitalising expenses and spending for government entities

Modernise government expenses with the secure, accurate software approved by G-Cloud. Packed with advanced reporting functionality to create a full audit trail of every transaction, customised to your unique project codes and compliance requirements.

government expense management

Designed to meet the tough requirements of government operations

Managing expenses in government comes with unique challenges—complex approval chains, multiple project codes, and strict compliance requirements that can slow down processes and increase your admin burden.  

With Capture Expense, specifically designed for the intricate needs of government entities, you gain access to intuitive features that simplify your workflows, enhance transparency, and ensure full compliance with public sector standards—all without adding unnecessary complexity to your operations. 

Robust reporting capabilities  

Access both standard and customisable reports that comply with government standards and accommodate complex project codes—leading to transparent, accurate, and detailed reports on government spend. 

All required security measures

Our platform offers top-tier security with UK-based servers, G-Cloud 13 approval, and certifications in Cyber Essentials Plus and ISO27001 so your data is fully safeguarded and compliant with GDPR regulations. 

Fully flexible and customisable

Every government entity has its own set of rules and workflows. From bespoke categories that align with your budget codes to tailoring approval workflows to match your hierarchy, Capture Expense adapts to your needs. 

In-depth, modern functionality 

With everything you need in one place, meet all your spending and compliance requirements. Whether you’re tracking expenses, generating reports, or managing approvals, Capture Expense. 


Everything you need to know about Capture Expense for government entities

No one likes expenses. But you’ll love Capture Expense. Find out more about the simple yet sophisticated functionality designed for teams like yours in our government brochure.

receipt scanner, expense receipts, scanned receipts

G-Cloud 13 approved supplier

We know how tricky procurement processes can be in government. You need cloud-based suppliers that meet all of your industry standards, and need to fully justify the cost of your new software. 

We’re fully listed on the G-Cloud Marketplace, making your procurement process easier. And we keep our pricing clear and flexible—with multiple pricing structures and contracts available to you. 

Transparent and accurate reporting for government bodies

Precise, customisable reporting to help you manage spending, stay compliant, and provide clear insights for both internal and public scrutiny—so you meet the demanding requirements of government financial reports. 

Whether you’re reporting by unique project code and cost centre of reporting on your team’s carbon emissions, you’ve got a full audit trail of every transaction. And with AI-powered reporting, you simply need to tell your Capture Expense chatbot what insights you need, and it will be sent to you in seconds. 

business expense tracker, automated expense reporting, company expense tracking, expense reporting software

Multi-stage, conditional approval workflows

Implement approval processes that are both sophisticated and user-friendly, tailored to fit your specific needs. Whether you require multiple stages or specific conditions, Capture Expense is built to adapt to your requirements with total ease. 

You can fully digitalise your approval workflows, streamlining complex processes while ensuring efficiency, transparency, and clarity at every stage—so you always meet public sector standards. 

Spend controls that keep costs down

Set specific spend limits for categories, teams, and individuals to maintain control over spending. By enforcing your limits at the point of spend, you’ll significantly reduce out-of-policy claims and reduce unnecessary expenses that lead to scrutiny. 

Plus, hosting your detailed policy documents directly in-platform guides your teams’ decisions—helping to improve spending habits and adherence to government spend guidelines. 

Seamlessly sync your expenses with finance, payroll, and more

We integrate with over 50 back-office systems, plus advanced support for many more, so you’ll always have precise record-keeping with an automated pre-accounting setup. The automated sync ensures that your data flows through to the right place, with total accuracy. 

Expense feature that government entities love

Book a demo to see Capture Expense in action

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