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How does Capture Expense pricing work?

By 11 April 2024April 19th, 2024No Comments2 min read

How does Capture Expense pricing work?

At Capture Expense, we pride ourselves on offering a pricing model that’s as efficient and straightforward as your expense management should be. As the Managing Director, I’m thrilled to break it down for you.

Firstly, billing only occurs at the end of each month and purely reflects your actual usage. This means that you only pay for users who are actively engaging with the system by uploading receipts or submitting expense claims within that month. Importantly, you won’t be charged for administrators and approvers; we believe in optimizing your expenses, not adding to them.

We understand that as your business scales, your needs will too. That’s why we’ve structured volume discounts into our pricing. The more active users you have, the more you save. It’s our way of acknowledging and supporting your growth.

Transparency is a cornerstone of our service. Within the Subscription area of our platform, you can always find a clear, real-time summary of active users and the corresponding upcoming charges. No surprises, just clarity.

And when it comes to commitment, we like to keep it flexible. There are no long-term contracts locking you in. If you decide that Capture Expense is not for you, you can cancel at any time. We’re here to support your business, and part of that support is giving you the freedom to choose what’s best for your team, without any pressure.

So, in essence, our pricing model is designed with your freedom and flexibility in mind. It scales with you, it moves with you, and it adapts to your actual business usage, because we believe that’s how it should be.

Empowering your organisation,
one expense at a time.

Experience the power of our all-in-one platform and say farewell to spreadsheets! Save valuable time and money with effortless automation for reimbursements, vehicle mileage, and credit card reconciliation.

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+44 (0) 191 478 7000

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